Louise Hill

Year of call:



1987 - Van Mildert College, Durham University, BA LAW (Hons) (Dunelm)

1988 - Inns of Court School of Law, BVC


1988 - Pupil at 32 Park Square, Leeds

1989 - Tenant at 30 and 32 Park Square, Leeds

2004 - Tenant at Sovereign Chambers Leeds

2015 - Sovereign Chambers becomes Park Square Barristers


2009 - 2016 - School governor holding posts of safeguarding & protecting children, literacy, early years & Chair of curriculm commitee


North Eastern Circuit

North Eastern Circuit Family Law Bar Association

Following 20 years’ experience in practice, Louise Hill has undertaken training in the protection of vulnerable adults and is keen to develop further in this area.

Through her work involving vulnerable adults within children’s proceedings, she has knowledge of Community Care Act assessments.

Contact Louise’s clerks

Claudine Cooper on 0113 202 8604

Paul Foster  on 0113 213 5209

Arnela Siranovic on 0113 213 5212