James is an experienced personal injury practitioner. He is available for high value Fast Track and Multi-Track claims. His experience includes serious injuries arising from road traffic accidents, pubic liability and accidents at work; the latter overlaps with James’ Health and Safety and Coronial practise.
James also has extensive experience in all aspects of fraudulent cases including fundamental dishonesty and s57 of Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015. He regularly acts for all the major solicitors and insurers in this sector.
James is available to advise both in person and on paper and has a strong paper practise settling pleadings.
James will always make himself available to those who instruct him on the telephone and via email.
James regularly delivers talks and provides training on all aspects of personal injury litigation.
If you would like to book James for a talk, please contact his clerks.
Recent Cases
- Acting for the Defendant in a claim for large loss personal injury arising out of a road traffic accident. The claim included a large Smith v Manchester claims for loss of earnings.
- Acting for the Defendant in a large loss claim for personal injury with a subsequent claim for loss of earnings and loss of opportunity following the claimant being unable to take up his place in the armed services.
Acting for the local authority in a public liability case. The claimant alleged to have tripped on unstable stairs. The defence was one of reasonable inspection
Contact James’ clerks
Senior Clerk – Andy Reeves on 0113 213 5252
Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609