Ranked for Inquests and Inquiries in the Legal 500 (2024)
‘Caroline is very good with bereaved families, and in handling cases involving complex medical issues. A very personable junior.’ Legal 500 (2024)
Caroline is regularly instructed in inquests acting for bereaved families, individual interested persons and for public or corporate bodies including ‘Article 2’ and jury inquests. The vast majority of inquests she attends relate to deaths arising in or linked to provision of healthcare such as in hospitals, care homes and deaths in custody, which dovetails with her clinical negligence work.
She will accept appropriate instructions on a CFA and has also provided representation pro bono for families instructed through AvMA.
Recent cases
All cases have been anonymised.
Hospital related deaths.
- Inquest touching the death of KDD: Rider of Neglect as a consequence of an accumulation of failings by the hospital trust. Deceased was suffering from sepsis against a background of cholecystitis for which there was a delay and shortcomings in relation to diagnosis and treatment. The deceased died 3 days after being admitted to hospital. The trust accepted that the deceased would probably have survived with correct treatment. Instructed by the family on a CFA. No PFD report
- Inquest touching the death of LH: A complicated case where the deceased had previous bariatric surgery on a background of mental health issues. She attended her GP and a dietician before being admitted to hospital with significant weight loss, the cause of which was never identified before her death. Instructed by the family.
- Inquest touching the death of LH: Instructed by the family in relation to deceased who died in hospital of Group A streptococcus on a background of acute pre – eclamptic toxaemia and HELLP syndrome shortly after giving birth. Her deterioration was wrongly attributed to recovery from general anaesthetic given prior to emergency C – section and there was no obstetric review. The factual background was complicated by incomplete records relating to blood pressure, some of which had been made retrospectively. Narrative conclusion.
- Inquest touching the death of RH: Instructed by AvMA, pro bono. Representing the family of a child who died of infection during a course of chemotherapy treatment for myeloid sarcoma.Pro Bono.
- Inquest touching on the death of JS: Caroline was instructed by AvMA on behalf of the family. JS died after a hip replacement operation. Following conclusion of the inquest, but before publication of a Regulation 28 report relating to loss of JS’s CPAP machine, the trust’s representatives wrote to the Coroner challenging the making of the Regulation 28 (PFD) report. Caroline made representations that the Coroner had no authority to retrospectively withdraw the Regulation 28 report relying, inter alia, on the case of R (Dr Siddiqui and Dr Paeprer-Rohricht) -v- Assistant Coroner for East London and the PFD was published thereafter. Pro Bono.
- Inquest touching on the death of BG: Instructed by the family to advise in relation to the death of BG who died of diabetic keto – acidosis as a consequence of his undiagnosed diabetes. The civil claim was settled prior to the inquest taking place. Instructed by the family on a CFA.
Care Homes.
- Inquest touching the death of KV: Inquest relating to a death from aspiration pneumonia following a vomiting episode when being fed through a PEG tube. Instructed on behalf of the care home. Narrative conclusion. No PFD report
- Inquest touching the death of HP: Inquest relating to death following a fall in a care home causing head injury which resulted in a slow bleed from a vein in the brain. Instructed on behalf of the care home. Conclusion of accident. No PFD report.
- Inquest touching the death of IL: Representing care home. Fall resulting in fractured hip. Conclusion of natural causes contributed to by hip fracture. No criticism of care home. No PFD report.
Deaths in Custody
- Inquest touching the death of AQ: 6 day Article 2, jury inquest touching on the death of a prison resident who died of plastic bag asphyxiation following an unsuccessful suicide attempt by similar means 3 weeks earlier. Issues concerning the ACCT process and assessment of risk of self -harm/suicide. Instructed by healthcare provider. Suicide plus narrative. No PFD report.
- Inquest touching the death of RM: Article 2, jury inquest concerning prison resident with capacity who declined nutrition and hydration. The medical cause of death was 1a. acute kidney injury 1b. Inanition with various co – morbidities included at 2. Legal discussion as to whether short – forms of suicide and/or misadventure would apply in the circumstances. The Coroner determined suicide was not safe to be left to the jury and the refusal of nutrition/hydration by the deceased did not fall within the definition of misadventure as the refusal was an intended act but the evidence was that the deceased was aware of the consequences. A Narrative conclusion was left to the jury. Instructed by healthcare provider. No PFD report.
- Inquest touching the death of SP: 5 day Article 2, jury inquest. Deceased died of asphyxia. The pathologist suggested including at 1b. Neck compression in the context of mixed drug intoxication (cocaine, benzodiazepine, methadone). Methadone had been correctly prescribed by prison healthcare and the Coroner accepted submissions made by Caroline to direct the jury that, “substance misuse” at 2 better reflected the evidence. Instructed by healthcare provider. No PFD report.
Social Care
- Inquest touching the death of PD: Instructed by local authority in relation to the death of a man who had been asked to leave the family home because of reports of domestic violence. The deceased was a diabetic and was placed in accommodation by social care where he was found deceased. A narrative conclusion. No PFD report.
- Inquest touching the death of JH (2019): Caroline was instructed to advise by a local authority following the apparent suicide of a young boy with learning difficulties who had been subjected to bullying.
Caroline provides seminars and training as well as having articles published in the AvMA newsletter.
Contact Caroline’s clerks
Madeleine Gray on 0113 202 8603
Caroline has specialised in disease claims for several years. She represents both Claimants and Defendants.
Solicitors have commented on her conscientious approach,
“For an instruction at short notice with disclosure, multiple witness accounts and the volume of information from the engineer and P35 Replies you were comfortably better than anyone else I’ve instructed in the last 12 months” (Deputy head of noise team)
She is regularly instructed in noise induced hearing loss claims and is fully familiar with both the CLB Guidelines 2000 and the LCB Guidelines 2015 and also calculation of the NIL.
She has experience of mesothelioma and HAVS claims up to and including trial. In addition to trials, Caroline has appeared at numerous limitation hearings, including appeals. She attends CCMC’s on those claims allocated to the Multi – track. Caroline is familiar with the caselaw in support of Defendant’s obtaining their own medical evidence in claims allocated to the fast track. She drafts Part 35 questions to engineering and medical experts.
Disease claims often involve historic employment. Caroline has advised and appeared at numerous interim hearings concerning the identity of the correct defendant, issues arising from insolvency of the defendant and TUPE transfers.
Recent cases of interest:
HAVS trial: Due to a change of evidence from the Claimant both medical experts prepared an amended joint statement mid-trial. Experts agreed Claimant had constitutional Raynaud’s in relation to vascular symptoms. Claimant’s claim compromised following amended joint statement from experts on the basis of sensorineural symptoms being caused by vibration. Acting for Claimant.
Fatal Mesothelioma Claim: Issues of magnitude of asbestos exposure and whether any exposure would likely have caused a material increase in the risk of mesothelioma. Acting for Claimant. Claim settled shortly before trial.
Fast track NIHL claim, unusually involving a JSM between 2 defendants as to the identity of the correct defendant. Historic employment and TUPE transfer issues. Acting for Defendant.
Noise claim where NIL had been incorrectly calculated by the engineer, as a consequence of which it appeared that R2a was not satisfied. Drafted Part 35 questions. Answers confirmed R2a was satisfied on the Claimant’s evidence and the claim was settled the day before trial. Acting for Claimant.
Occupational Asthma claim, exposure to rubber fumes, settled for £40,000. Acting for Claimant.
- Caroline provides seminars to solicitors both in chambers and on request at solicitors offices.
- Recent seminars include:
- Future loss of earnings claims;
- An introduction to noise induced hearing loss;
- Secondary Victim claims.
Professional memberships.
Caroline is a member of PIBA and regularly attends the PIBA Annual Conference and the Northern Circuit seminars.
Public Access
Caroline Wood may accept Public Access work, where she can be instructed directly by a member of the public rather than a solicitor.
Contact Caroline’s clerks
Senior Clerk – Andy Reeves on 0113 213 5252
Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609
Caroline is instructed on behalf of both Claimants and Defendants, including private hospitals and Defence Unions, in relation to Clinical negligence claims. She accepts CFA instructions where appropriate.
Caroline also represents interested parties at inquests into deaths in a healthcare setting, which assists with her understanding of the medical background in clinical negligence claims. She has acted pro bono for families at inquests, instructed by AvMA.
Caroline is experienced at CCMC hearings and also FOI Act requests and PAD applications in the context of clinical negligence claims.
Recent instructions include: –
- Fatal claim settled at JSM for £290,000 plus costs. Deceased was suffering from sepsis against a background of cholecystitis for which there were shortcomings in relation to diagnosis and treatment. The deceased died 3 days after being admitted to hospital. The defendant Trust accepted that the deceased would probably have survived with correct treatment. At Inquest: Rider of Neglect as a consequence of an accumulation of failings by the hospital trust. Instructed by the family for both inquest and clinical negligence claim on a CFA.
- Multiple instructions defending claims for pressure sores in a care home/ nursing home setting.
- Claim for delay in diagnosis and treatment of endophthalmitis (infection of the tissues or fluids inside the eyeball), a post – operative complication from cataract surgery plus lens implant. As a consequence of misdiagnosis the infection (toxoplasmosis) was treated with steroids which exacerbated the infection and the Claimant suffered a loss of vision and extended duration of treatment which would not have occurred but for the delay in diagnosis and treatment. Settled for £80,000. Acting for Claimant CFA.
- Fatal claim for failure to diagnose diabetes leading to death of BG from diabetic keto-acidosis. Caroline was instructed for both the Inquest touching on the death of BG and the clinical negligence claim. The civil claim was settled prior to the inquest taking place. Instructed by the family on a CFA.
- Delayed treatment of Crohn’s disease: Claim settled for £150,000 at JSM: Causation issues in relation to claim for fistula, perforation and ileostomy. Instructed for Claimant on a CFA.
- Led by Andrew Lewis KC in cerebral palsy and large loss claims.
- Delayed diagnosis and treatment of cancer: breast, pancreatic and ovarian.
- Birth injury, including secondary victim claims. A recent instruction involved a causation issue where the expert medical evidence conflicted with the outcome of an inquest.
- Voluntary drug rehabilitation patient who died of an overdose shortly after being discharged. Human Rights Act issues.
- Claims arising from cosmetic surgery such as gastric band surgery and breast implants.
- Consent claims following Montgomery.
Contact Caroline’s clerks
Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609
Caroline specialises in all areas of personal injury and fatal accidents, including disease, limitation hearings and clinical negligence. She acts on behalf of both claimants and defendants in claims valued from fast track to multi track and appears in courts nationwide.
Solicitors have commented on her conscientious approach,
” For an instruction at short notice with disclosure, multiple witness accounts and the volume of information from the engineer and P35 Replies you were comfortably better than anyone else I’ve instructed in the last 12 months” (Deputy head of noise team)
Recent instructions include: –
• Claim in respect of multi-fragmented fractures of both proximal tibia and fibula caused at work. Claim settled at JSM for £300,000 gross of CRU. Instructed by Defendant.
• Claim in respect of finger amputation: Claimant claimed £300,000. Settled for £90,000 including a discount of 40% for contributory negligence at JSM. Acting for the defend-ant.
• Interim payment application claimed at over £750,000. Agreed and approved at £460,000. Instructed as junior to Andrew Lewis KC. Acting for Defendant.
• Vicarious liability claim arising from an assault by a school employee on another school employee. Successful representation of the defendant.
• Animals Act: Preskey v Sutcliffe and Sutcliffe, reported on Lawtel, document number AC0136261. Successful representation of the defendants in this claim arising from a dog bite. Extensive cross – examination as to credit.
• Road traffic accidents, including accidents abroad, MIB claims, indemnity issues, LVI, late notification and suspected fraudulent claims.
- Caroline provides seminars to solicitors both in chambers and on request at solicitors offices.
- Recent seminars include:
- Clinical Negligence
- An introduction to noise induced hearing loss;
- Secondary Victim claims.
Professional memberships
Caroline is a member of PIBA and regularly attends the PIBA Annual Conference and the Northern Circuit seminars.
Public Access
Caroline Wood may accept Public Access work, where she can be instructed directly by a member of the public rather than a solicitor.
Contact Caroline’s clerks
Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609
Caroline has gained extensive experience of debt recovery / enforcement proceedings such as applications for charging orders, possession hearings, insolvency, winding up and bankruptcy. She has also provided representation in respect of contractual disputes between business and consumers, involving the Sale and Supply of Goods and Services Act and the Consumer Credit Act. She also has experience of interpleader proceedings. She finds her experience of debt recovery/ enforcement assists in giving practical, commercial advice about the merits of pursuing contractual claims.
Caroline has appeared in numerous possession hearings acting on behalf of mortgagor, mortgagee and landlord and tenant. She has also acted in claims for disrepair, unlawful eviction and anti-social behaviour orders, injunctions and committals.
Professional Negligence.
Caroline is also instructed in professional negligence claims against other professionals arising from clinical negligence and personal injury work including issuing proceedings outside limitation, an issue with which she has vast experience as a result of dealing with disease litigation on a regular basis.
Public Access
Caroline Wood may accept Public Access work, where she can be instructed directly by a member of the public rather than a solicitor.
Contact Caroline’s clerks
Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609