Public Law
James accepts instructions in respect of all matters arising out of public law proceedings and regularly accepts instructions on behalf of local authorities, parents and guardians. His work includes dealing with cases involving:
- Non-accidental injuries,
- Genetic disorders and conditions
- Sexual abuse
- Domestic violence
- Psychiatric and psychological conditions
Private Law
James is instructed all forms of parental disputes including parental alienation and child arrangements. In addition, he also has experience in dealing with cases involving:
- Modern families including same sex relationships and known sperm donors
- Cases involving allegations of domestic abuse
- Disputes about schooling
- Changes of children’s names
- Forced marriage
- Claims for child maintenance under Schedule 1 of the Children Act
- Private law cases which intersect with public law proceedings
- Acting for guardians and children as parties to private law cases.
Notable Cases
Public Law
- Re H (Care and Adoption: Assessment of wider family) [2019] EWFC 10
Private Law
- JB v. JF + 2 Others – representing the Father in an application for a Child Arrangements Order where the biological Mother was in a same sex relationship and the Father a known sperm donor. Addressing the legal basis upon which known sperm donors may acquire parental responsibility and child arrangement orders, pursuing an application for the Child to be joined as a party to proceedings and dealing with substantial allegations of sexual abuse and parental alienation.
Public Access
James may accept Public Access work, where he can be instructed directly by a member of the public rather than a Solicitor.
Contact James’ clerks
James accepts instructions in relation to all aspects of family property and the financial consequences of marital separation and the separation of cohabitees. He often appears at First Directions Appointments, Financial Dispute Resolution Hearings and Final Hearings and deals with a range of cases including:
- Agricultural land
- Private companies
- Family trusts
- Foreign property
- Pensions, and
- Interveners
Notable Cases
- ED Souza v. WD Souza [2021] EWHC 199 (FAM)
- Representing the Husband in a claim for financial relief where substantial company and pension monies were held in subsidiary company accounts in both the Cayman Islands and the Isle of Man. Attending the first directions appointment, advising in conference, attending the financial dispute resolution and securing favourable terms of settlement.
- Acting for the Wife in respect of an application to enforce settlement with her ex-husband for the provision of private education for the children of the family, including substantial analysis of a group of company accounts and foreign property to identify hidden monies in rebutting a cross application to vary.
Public Access
James may accept Public Access work, where he can be instructed directly by a member of the public rather than a solicitor.