Anna Wilkinson appears on behalf of the CQC in 5 day first tier tribunal appeal

Anna Wilkinson appeared on behalf of CQC in a 5 day first tier tribunal case responding to an appeal by a home for people with learning disabilities to vary a condition of their registration to increase from 19-24 people.

The appeal focused on the Appellant’s ability to comply with Regulation 9 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities Regulations) 2014 in respect of Person-Centred Care, and Regulation 21, Guidance and Code. In particular the Respondent denied that the Appellant’s desired variation would comply with the principles contained in CQC’s policy document in respect of registration, “Registering the Right Support”.

Anna Wilkinson is a member of the specialist regulatory advocate panel and has an established practice in a variety of regulatory and disciplinary work.

Contact Anna’s clerk

Madeleine Gray on 0113 202 8603

Patrick Urbina on 0113 213 5250