Kate Wilson represents Ministry of Justice at complicated article 2 inquest


An inquest was held at Hull Coroners Court over a period of eight days into the death a 27 year old prisoner with a significant history of mental health issues, who hanged himself in his cell overnight on 20 July 2017.


The inquest considered the appropriateness of the assessment of risk of self-harm by both healthcare and prison staff, including changing cell location from an anti-ligature cell to a normal cell and reducing the level of observations a few days before the tragic event, communication between staff, mental health facilities in prison and the emergency response procedures.


No criticism was made of the actions of discipline staff in the Record of Inquest. The Coroner heard evidence as to the changes implemented since 2017 and a Regulation 28 report to prevent future death was not made.


Kate is ranked as Tier 1 for Inquests and Inquiries in the Legal 500 (2021).


Contact Kate’s clerks

Madeleine Gray on 0113 202 8603

Patrick Urbina on 0113 213 5250