Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

President’s Guidance on Listing Final Hearings in Adoption Cases

The President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby, has in his recent guidance sought to clarify the legal and practical requirements for final hearings in adoption applications.

The guidance sets out clearly the steps which are to be taken at each stage of the application and the obligations incumbent on the court, including the practicalities of and arrangements for the final hearing.

Guidance is also provided on adoption visits, informal celebratory occasions held at the discretion of the judge for the benefit of the adoptive parents and child if they desire it.

The guidance can be found here


Anaum Riaz is our most recent tenant following successful completion of her pupillage under the supervision of Mark Saunders. She observed a vast array of public and private law children law matters, at both case management stage and final hearings.

Anaum has acted on behalf of Local Authorities and parents at case management hearings. Anaum is eager to build her practice in this area and welcomes new instruction.

Contact her clerks:

Claudine Cooper – 0113 202 8604

Paul Foster – 0113 213 5209

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