Public Access enquiry Your detailsName* First Last Address Street Address Address Line 2 City Postcode Telephone*Email address* Today's date DD slash MM slash YYYY If you want to make a claim -Who do you want to claim against?What do you want?Why?If you want to defend a claim against you -If you are seeking advice because someone else has started legal proceedings, or is threatening to make a claim against you, please tell us:Who has brought a claim against you (or threatened to do so)?What do they say they want from you?Why do you think they are not entitled to this?SolicitorsHave any solicitors been involved at any stage, or have you taken advice from anyone?If yes, who are they?Do they have any paperwork that you need?Is there any outstanding bill to pay?ReasonsWhat are your main reasons for seeking our help on a Public Access basis?UrgencyAre you aware of any deadlines with which you must comply?How can we help?What sort of help would you like?Please provide any other basic facts/problems which you have not already dealt with above, and say how you think we may be able to help:Outcome aims & objectivesBriefly, what do you want to achieve?FundingHave you checked whether you have legal expenses insurance? (You may have cover through a home or motor insurance policy, or your business or professional body, or a members’ association or a union, which may entitle you to help/representation)Have you checked if you can get legal aid (community legal funding)?Anything else?Is there anything else you think we need to know?Park Square Barristers is GDPR compliant — for further details please refer to our privacy policy* I consent to my submitted personal data being collected and stored Park Square Barristers is GDPR compliant — for further details please refer to our privacy policy