james wilson

Taxi Driver Credit Hire Claims

This webinar is presented by James Wilson.

If you would like to view the webinar, please email webinars@psqb.co.uk and a link will be sent to you.

James is an experienced personal injury practitioner. He is available for credit hire and high value Fast Track and Multi-Track claims. His experience includes serious injuries arising from road traffic accidents, pubic liability and accidents at work; the latter overlaps with James’ Health and Safety and Coronial practise.

James also has extensive experience in all aspects of fraudulent cases including fundamental dishonesty and s57 of Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015. He regularly acts for all the major solicitors and insurers in this sector.

If you would like to instruct James, please contact one of his clerks:

Senior Clerk – Andy Reeves on 0113 213 5252

Talia Webster on 0113 202 8609

Joshua Duree on 0113 213 5246

Mike Alexander on  0113 213 5254

Ben Ellison-Tope on 0113 213 5207