Simon Connolly appointed to the Attorney General’s Regional panel

We are pleased to announce that Simon Connolly has been selected as panel counsel for the Attorney General. Together with Janine Wolstenholme and Kirsten Mercer, Simon Clegg & Kate Wilson we now have five members who may undertake instruction from all government departments

Administered by the Government Legal Department (“GLD”), the Attorney General’s panels of counsel consist of over 400 barristers who undertake civil, regulatory and public work on behalf of the government. This has already seen chambers play a key role in several inquests and judicial review proceedings.

Simon is an accomplished inquest advocate with significant experience of representing “interested persons” in inquests engaging Article 2 and heard by a Coroner sitting with a jury.

His experience also includes representing healthcare professionals involved in criminal investigations and proceedings including those which arise following a healthcare related death.

Simon has also defended healthcare professionals in fitness to practice and employment disciplinary investigations and proceedings for many years.

This exciting appointment is indicative of the continuing success of the regulatory team in chambers.

Contact Simon’s clerk

Madeleine Gray on 0113 202 8603

Patrick Urbina on 0113 213 5250

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